Friday, August 28, 2009

Types of Natural Hair Restoration

Natural Hair Restoration
Hair loss can occur in both women and men. There are various reasons that this can happen. Diet, disease and certain other conditions can contribute to this process. One of the most common causes of baldness is androgenic alopecia. This is more commonly known as male pattern (or female pattern) baldness. However, there is help available for people that are balding or who have thinning hair.

Herbal remedies have long since been known to bring about results. Because everyone's chemical makeup is different, what works for one may not work for someone else. Unfortunately, there are no sure fire ways to figure out if natural hair restoration will work on an individual until you try it. Herbal remedies can be taken orally as pills. If you do not like to take pills, you may want to see if the supplement can be used in tea for easy digestion. Adding them to foods is another option. Some herbal remedies can be added to shampoos or applied directly to the scalp.

Taking saw palmetto orally is one such herbal remedy. Saw palmetto is a plant that grows in hot and humid climates. The fruit of the plant contains certain components that are known to combat hair loss. It also contains fatty acids and plant sterols. The extract can be used to treat both male pattern and female pattern baldness.

Essential oils that are used in aromatherapy can be another option. It is believed that massaging certain oils into the scalp can stimulate the skin of the scalp and therefore stimulate hair growth. One of the essential oils that is used for this purpose is lavender.

Nettle root extract is another choice for those that are looking into natural hair restoration. Nettle root contains vitamins A and C, which contribute to healthy hair. Nettle root also contains the same extract that is in saw palmetto. Folic acid is another element that is beneficial to hair. Shampoos that contain rosemary and sage are also believed to have positive effects when it comes to natural hair restoration.

Jojoba oil is used as a natural remedy for treating eczema, psoriasis and dandruff. Any of those conditions can contribute to poor hair growth. Using jojoba oil to treat those conditions can impact the scalp and improve the condition of the hair. It is a great moisturizer.

Using these types of products can be beneficial for certain people with certain conditions. Sometimes certain conditions such as cancer and other diseases can cause hair loss. The hair loss is usually reversed after the condition or disease is resolved. Using natural remedies might be able to help the process along. They are a popular choice for people that cannot afford the expense of some of the other methods.

Both men and women can reap the benefits that are said to go along with natural hair restoration. For some people, using prescription medications isn't an option because of side effects or the high costs that are associated with them. That is why natural hair restoration using herbal remedies can be a wonderful option for people to explore. There are many products to choose from when it comes to natural hair restoration.

Natural Hair Restoration might not work for everyone. There is no magical way to tell if it will work in every situation. But many people have used it to their advantage. Natural hair restoration can be done using herbal remedies. These remedies can be applied directly to the scalp or taken orally as a pill. They can also be added to foods, mixed into teas, and put into shampoos. To know more about Natural Hair Restoration visit:

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Natural Hair Restoration

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Recipe for Natural Hair Restoration

Natural Hair Restoration
Check this out. Someone is making his/her own recipe for natural hair restoration. The good thing is that it is much cheaper than buying those expensive commercial products that will not work. Furthermore, this recipe treats and cures your hair naturally. It is absolutely a natural hair restoration.

Natural Hair Restoration

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Natural Hair Restoration

Natural hair restoration is no longer a thing of the future. Person after person in the public eye is coming forward to back a whole raft of natural hair restoration products. They are simply queuing up to add their own personal endorsement, both men and women. The products are all natural or herbal.

We all want to find the best advice. Before looking into how to choose a decent natural hair restoration guide or book, perhaps it would be a good idea to mull over a few facts about hair growth and hair death. This will inform us about what to think about the overall philosophy of natural hair restoration. I don't agree, but some experts still believe more in synthetic products.

A normal person will grow around 2.2 million individual hairs within their lifetime. On the other hand, the average person will lose around 2.1 million hairs throughout their life. That doesn't really mean that we all end up bald. These figures are derived from testing over short periods of a subject's life. Hair loss and hair growth vary over a lifespan and it's empirically evident that most people have at least some hair, often a full head of hair, at the ends of their lives.

Hair loss also varies enormously in incidence and locality across the world. For example, did you know that, across a lifetime, only 4% of male Danes incur mid-rear hair loss, while the exact same problem is 5 times more prevalent in America? Conversely, 19% of Danish women experience overall front hair loss as against 7% of American women.

Picking the right natural hair restoration method for you and your condition is essential. I good idea is to try a holistic approach to begin with. Only if necessary after that, move on to more specific cures.

Natural hair restoration guides should be discussing these types of facts. With natural and alternative treatments, it is always worth weighing up the claims against the actual facts. It is also true to say that natural restoration remedies often rely heavily on what can be found in the environment surrounding the sufferer. And there may be something in that.

Other factual information that a natural hair restoration book should cover include:

Males tend to begin hair loss from the top-sides of the cranium. The hair recedes laterally from the forehead and is known in the vernacular as a receding hairline. (Of course, this type of hair loss may well stop naturally.)

An area of baldness frequently occurs at the vertex, or on top of the head particularly in males. This is believed to be due to male hormones. An urban myth states that bald men are more virile than their their counterparts with a full head of hair. There may be some truth in that. DHT, the hormone responsible, produces strong facial hair growth, but can also adversely affect the prostate.

Women are much more prone to overall hair thinning. Again, this is believed to be a result of their different genetic makeup and hormones. Thinning of the hair easier to treat naturally than other forms of hair loss.

Hair loss is particularly associated with stress. Episodes such as traumatic injury, childbirth and stress at work can lead to spot baldness as well as hair thinning.

Having a mother or father who suffers from hair loss or hair thinning doesn't mean it will pass on down to a child of the same sex. Both parents' DNA contributes to the hair growth of each child. Effectively what that means is that a son with a bald father is not that likely to be become bald himself if his mother has strong hair production.

So restoration of hair really can be natural. Genetics have a big influence on the causes of hair loss, but treatment can be just as effective if natural as it can be with pharmaceutical products. This makes the right choice of the correct natural hair restoration process even more vital.

Timothy Payn's health blog:

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Natural Hair Restoration

Friday, March 13, 2009

Three Ingredients for Natural Hair Restoration

Natural hair restoration is done using an all natural product. If you know your hair loss isn't from a medical condition, natural hair restoration may be for you.

Three Ingredients for natural hair restoration are as follows:

Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto is a fruit extract used to treat hair loss. It is a natural DHT inhibitor, which blocks the process of converting testosterone into DHT. It is less expensive than prescription drugs and free of any uncomfortable side effects.

Lemongrass: This herb helps to remove scalp build up and normalizes oil product in the scalp. It also increases fullness and body to the hair.

Aloe Vera: The gel found within the leaves of this plant has remarkable properties, including healing, soothing, antibacterial, antiseptic, emollient, and moisturizing qualities. Studies have shown Aloe Vera enhances cellular regeneration and has remarkable results for both the hair and the scalp.

When evaluating hair loss treatments it is advised to check for natural DHT inhibitors. Saw Palmetto is regarded as one of the most effective and should be included in your product. The above natural ingredients to prevent and cure hair loss will provide you with a new found confidence and most importantly a new set of hair.
Natural Hair Restoration

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Natural Hair Restoration
Since prevention is usually better than cure, it makes sense to look for ways to prevent hair loss before it occurs. While a large part of hair loss is hereditary, there are several preventative measures you can take to maintain a healthy scalp. For example, avoiding or limiting foods and drinks high in alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and sugar can help greatly in hair loss prevention.

Similarly, avoiding cholesterol-rich foods, which are linked to increased DHT levels, will also help. Salt has also been linked to hair loss so restrict your sodium intake and make sure that you always use salt with Iodine as the latter is a nutrient vital for hair growth. Since hair loss can be caused by inadequate nutrition, a balanced, healthy diet overall can ensure that your body receives the right type and amount of nutrients needed to maintain a healthy scalp.
Natural Hair Restoration

Monday, February 9, 2009

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies That Offer Hope

Natural Hair Restoration
Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body's natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers - there is however growing evidence to support the view that some herbal remedies offer real hope to many people.

Let's examine the case for some of the more popular remedies to determine if they're worth trying.

Ginkyo biloba - this popular herb is thought to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. Herbalists believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicle thus promoting hair regrowth. The recommended dose is 120-160mg of dry extract each day spread over three doses.

Green tea (Camellia sinesis) - it is thought that catechins found in green tea may inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. It is therefore believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. You should drink several cups of green tea each day or take it in capsule form as instructed by the manufacturer.

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) - also known as Fo-Ti, this Chinese herb has traditionally been used to reduce hair loss. It is found in many commercial preparations, or in tea and capsule form.

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) - derived from the bark of an evergreen, it works in a similar way to green tea. It is widely used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Users should take 60-500mg per day in pill or capsule form.

Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens) - this is the current treatment of choice for many men due to its ability to protect the prostate, slow hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. It forms the core element of many commercially prepared hair loss treatments but can easily be obtained in its pure form. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day, but make sure the ingredients are made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.

Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) - this has long been favored as a means of preventing hair loss due to its ability to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It can be taken in pill or capsule form with an optimum dose of 50-100mg per day. It is particularly effective when combined with pygeum and saw palmetto.
Natural Hair Restoration

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Natural Hair Restoration by using Herbal Hair Recipe

Natural Hair Restoration
Natural hair restoration is done using an all natural product. If you know your hair loss isn't from a medical condition, natural hair restoration may be for you. Natural hair restoration is the ideal and only permanent solution for baldness. For a healthy, natural, inexpensive way to experience hair re-growth, focus on the natural, anciently-used herbs for the healthiest and the best natural hair restoration.
Click Here!
Natural Hair Restoration