Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Natural Hair Restoration

Natural hair restoration is no longer a thing of the future. Person after person in the public eye is coming forward to back a whole raft of natural hair restoration products. They are simply queuing up to add their own personal endorsement, both men and women. The products are all natural or herbal.

We all want to find the best advice. Before looking into how to choose a decent natural hair restoration guide or book, perhaps it would be a good idea to mull over a few facts about hair growth and hair death. This will inform us about what to think about the overall philosophy of natural hair restoration. I don't agree, but some experts still believe more in synthetic products.

A normal person will grow around 2.2 million individual hairs within their lifetime. On the other hand, the average person will lose around 2.1 million hairs throughout their life. That doesn't really mean that we all end up bald. These figures are derived from testing over short periods of a subject's life. Hair loss and hair growth vary over a lifespan and it's empirically evident that most people have at least some hair, often a full head of hair, at the ends of their lives.

Hair loss also varies enormously in incidence and locality across the world. For example, did you know that, across a lifetime, only 4% of male Danes incur mid-rear hair loss, while the exact same problem is 5 times more prevalent in America? Conversely, 19% of Danish women experience overall front hair loss as against 7% of American women.

Picking the right natural hair restoration method for you and your condition is essential. I good idea is to try a holistic approach to begin with. Only if necessary after that, move on to more specific cures.

Natural hair restoration guides should be discussing these types of facts. With natural and alternative treatments, it is always worth weighing up the claims against the actual facts. It is also true to say that natural restoration remedies often rely heavily on what can be found in the environment surrounding the sufferer. And there may be something in that.

Other factual information that a natural hair restoration book should cover include:

Males tend to begin hair loss from the top-sides of the cranium. The hair recedes laterally from the forehead and is known in the vernacular as a receding hairline. (Of course, this type of hair loss may well stop naturally.)

An area of baldness frequently occurs at the vertex, or on top of the head particularly in males. This is believed to be due to male hormones. An urban myth states that bald men are more virile than their their counterparts with a full head of hair. There may be some truth in that. DHT, the hormone responsible, produces strong facial hair growth, but can also adversely affect the prostate.

Women are much more prone to overall hair thinning. Again, this is believed to be a result of their different genetic makeup and hormones. Thinning of the hair easier to treat naturally than other forms of hair loss.

Hair loss is particularly associated with stress. Episodes such as traumatic injury, childbirth and stress at work can lead to spot baldness as well as hair thinning.

Having a mother or father who suffers from hair loss or hair thinning doesn't mean it will pass on down to a child of the same sex. Both parents' DNA contributes to the hair growth of each child. Effectively what that means is that a son with a bald father is not that likely to be become bald himself if his mother has strong hair production.

So restoration of hair really can be natural. Genetics have a big influence on the causes of hair loss, but treatment can be just as effective if natural as it can be with pharmaceutical products. This makes the right choice of the correct natural hair restoration process even more vital.

Timothy Payn's health blog:

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Natural Hair Restoration